011 1948 Berriedale TAS Duffy CE3
A Mrs Duffy and her sister were putting out the dog when they became aware of a very bright light. As it moved away they could see "little green men: sitting on a ledge on the side. The men were singing in what appeared to be unintelligible words to the tune of "Three blind mice." The disc shaped object was visible for a few moments, then moved off to the west. (Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre. (TUFOIC).)
029 31 May 1954 Elizabeth Town TAS CE1 1530hrs
A dark object which appeared to come from ground level was noticed by two people. It travelled straight upwards at terrific speed, leaving a white vapour trail. (Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre (TUFOIC). Hobart "Mercury" May 31 1954.)
050 15 Nov 1960 Cressy TAS DD
A USAF RB57 aircraft pilot noted an approaching object, whilst he and a navigator were flying at 12,000m. Its altitude was estimated as 10,000m and its speed as high. Its closing rate was said to be greater than 800 knots. It was seen for five to seven seconds before it was lost to view under the left wing. Its size was estimated as 21m in diameter. It had no sharp edges and its was rather fuzzy and undefined. (1. RAAF files. 2. Bill Chalker. (1982.) APRO Bulletin. 30(11):4-5.)
055 23 Apr 1963 Levendale TAS CE1 2230hrs McConnon
Out driving a tractor a farmer saw a yellow circular object come from the west, and pass overhead some 50m up. It illuminated the ground, was soundless and was some 30m across. There were no electromagnetic effects. Finally it disappeared behind hills. (TUFOIC file TA63002.)
061 1963/64 Hobart TAS CE3
A schoolboy reported seeing a UFO land on a beach and being approached by two occupants. They apparently spoke to the lad, who subsequently developed a high IQ but was difficult to control. (TUFOIC.)
091 Jul 1966 Moltema TAS CE1 2315hrs Stephens
Travelling by car from Dunorian a number of people sighted an object to the east just above hills. It appeared to travel quickly to reach them and then kept pace with their car. It was red, round and soundless. At times they thought it was only 3m away and 6-10m off the ground. The size was that of a large model car's tail light. There were no effects on the car. It was last seen to the north and "just disappeared." (TUFOIC.)
106 1968 Wynyard TAS CE3
Early one morning a man arose and upon going outside observed what appeared to be a Zepplin hovering over Table Cape. Through windows he saw people moving about. He went back inside. (TUFOIC TA79109.)
108 Jan 1968 Orford TAS CE2 Ca. 2100hrs
A family were taking a weekend trip around Tasmania travelling on the east coast. The husband was driving the vehicle at 55-65km/hr when upon rounding a curve a bright light came over the driver's side. It was a yellowish light but the actual source was not visible. Seconds later the vehicle's lights dimmed for 100-200m. The bright light went out and the vehicle's lights returned to normal. Further on, round a sweeping bend the same thing happened. However, when he came out of the bend and onto the straight, the lights had failed altogether. This took place over fifteen to twenty seconds. The driver stopped the car to investigate. However, the yellow light had gone by this time and the headlights came back on by themselves. (Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre. (TUFOIC).)
114 Aug 1968 Smithton TAS CE1 0000hrs
A commercial pilot was driving home when he saw a very bright light some 75m ahead and 30m up in the air. It had a bluish-white glow and he heard a swishing sound. The light paced him for four kilometres. He increased speed to 160km/hr then dropped back to 75km/hr, but the object still paced him.Finally he turned a curve in the road and the object was lostto view. (TUFOIC.)
151 22 May 1969 Glenorchy TAS CE2/? (?)
Mr G Lange noted a bright glowing 6.5m by 3m high white object with windows, hovering over the ground in his backyard. He rushed outside but the object had gone, leaving a scorched circle 3.5m by 2.5m wide. There was no sound and no radioactivity was found. (TUFOIC.)
156 24 Aug 1969 Moonah-Chigwell TAS Photo Lodge
During the small hours of the night whilst driving, a Mr Lodge spotted a round bright object moving towards him. A still photo was taken but the object moved behind a ridge at the same instant. Colour slide. (TUFIOC Newsletter reports for 1969.)
161 Ca 1970 Midlands TAS CE3
A group of people in a car were returning home after a late party. They were reportedly followed by a disc shaped object, which extended a ladder below it. A man like figure was seen. (TUFOIC.)
164 Mar 1970 Scottsdale TAS CE2
A forestry worker was driving along when he saw a flash in the sky. His car radio was overcome with static. A soundless, green object, three times the angular size of the full Moon was seen to the rear of the vehicle, at an estimated 200m distance. (TUFOIC.)
171 May 1971 Strahan TAS CE2 2200hrs Rean
A family were travelling home when they were startled by the appearance of a bright light above the road. Their vehicle's lights failed and the driver stopped the engine. They got out to have a look, then got back in again and the car's lights came back on by themselves. As they drove on, the mystery light kept its speed to theirs. It disappeared when they were almost in Queenstown. (TUFOIC TA79134.)
172 22 May 1971 Norwood TAS CE2 2030hrs
A motorist reported seeing a 3m object with dull white, blue and red lights touching down near the roadside 50m away, then disappearing upwards. It had quickly come down out of nowhere, then after ten seconds went up and was gone. Its lights seemed to go out when it reached 150m. A flattened area of broken and twisted undergrowth was reportedly found, twisted to the right, over a 3m wide area. ("The Examiner" Launceston Jun 5 1971. TUFOIC TA71005. FSR Case histories (FSRCH) Sup 7., Oct 1971. p13.)
173 23 May 1971 Cethana TAS CE1 1930hrs Riley
Mr Riley saw a round red light some 30-50m away and some 30m above the road, to the right hand side of the vehicle he was driving. The light soundlessly crossed the road in front of him and disappeared behind some tall trees. (TUFOIC TA71006. FSRCH 7. Oct 1971. p13.)
174 27 May 1971 Lynchford TAS CE2
A car is reported to have stopped dead some 50m from the site of an apparent landing. (TUFOIC.)
176 9 Jul 1971 Narrawa TAS CE1 1930hrs Williams
A white, four point eight by one point 2m, oval shaped object was seen in a paddock at a distance of 300m. It moved as witnesses tried to approach it. No traces were found. (TUFOIC TA71012.)
177 1 Aug 1971 Triabunna TAS CE1 2325hrs
A motorist reported that a nine by 12m white oval object with a red glow below, rose from the roadside. It took off and sped to the south and was lost to sight. (TUFOIC TA71013.)
189 Ca Jul 1972 Melton Mowbray TAS CE2 Ca. 2000hrs
A twenty five year old housewife was driving at 65km/hr from Kempton to a cabaret, when looking out her rear vision mirror she saw a light. At first she thought it was a car with one headlight, but it was soundless and no car was to be seen. The light came up behind her and seemed to swoop over the car. The incident lasted some thirty seconds. The engine started to splutter and jerk as if stopping. The car slowed down but was alright when the light had gone. (TUFOIC. TA72005.)
191 5 Jul 1972 Mt Arrowsmith TAS CE2/FA (?)
A motorist reported a bright , white, cigar object at road level. It went down and appeared to land alongside the road and went out. The next day the witness returned and found a distinct pathway was visible in the undergrowth which was all flattened. (TUFOIC.)
201 Ca Nov 1972 Campania TAS CE3
Two people sitting in a car noticed what they described as a brightly lit railway carriage. They could see six or more separate lights in which shapes, or figures were visible, giving the impression of passengers, facing the front, motionless. The lights were moving silently northward. After five minutes the object was lost in the distance. (TUFOIC.)
237 Dec 1973 South Arm TAS Noise/FA (43:02, 147:24)
The witnesses were awoken by a roaring noise which eventually stopped. Next day, flattened circle of bracken was found on the next block, 3 by 3.6m across and nearby, 2-3 smaller similar patches. Ferns were folded over as if flattened by weight, vegetation soon died off, edge of area well defined. (TUFOIC.)
238 31 Dec 1973 Lymington TAS CE2 2300hrs
In thundery conditions four reporters saw a Moon-like object in the sky, then a large yellow cigar was noted in a paddock by the house. The glow faded and little lights were then visible. Subsequent claims were made of damage to a tree, house paint, fridge etc., plus effects to the two witnesses. The lights may have been an electrical phenomenon and investigation of the tree didn't reveal any damage. (TUFOIC.)
243 1974 Launceston TAS CE3
It was claimed that a school teacher had met the occupants of a UFO and that afterwards he had gained ESP powers. (TUFOIC.)
244 Ca 1974 St Helens TAS CE3
Whilst travelling alone from St Helens to Ansons Bay, a woman stopped for a cigarette. In an adjacent paddock she saw an object with a ramp going into it. There appeared to be entities going up and down the ramp . The woman left at speed. (TUFOIC TA80066.)
246 Feb 1974 Grass Tree Hill TAS CE1 2100hrs Richardson
Mr A. Richardson and his two children were travelling in a vehicle when the two children said they saw a large object "wobbling" over a house. It was complete with windows and a dark shape inside. Their father saw only a small light moving soundlessly away by the time he pulled the car up. (TUFOIC TA77041.)
247 25 Feb 1974 York Plains TAS CE3 0000hrs
A builder was amazed to see three figures standing on the rim of an approaching dome shaped object. The figures were one and a half metres in height, of normal human proportion and covered in a one piece garment. He said they remained motionless as the object travelled past him some 30m distance, at a speed of 50km/hr. Two to three minutes later it was lost to view over hills. (TUFOIC TA84048.)
248 27 Feb 1974 Latrobe TAS CE1 2145hrs Thornton
Two people out driving noticed an orange dot in the sky, partially obscured by trees. It soundlessly approached the car after they stopped. Estimated at 250m away and 25m above the ground, it beamed brightly and looked like a triangle with rounded corners. They started the car and the object accelerated to high speed and vanished behind trees to the north. Later at 2200hrs one of the witnesses saw an orange light pacing his vehicle, near to Latrobe. (TUFOIC.)
256 25 May 1974 Boobyalla Estate TAS CE1 1930hrs
Three people watched a large banana shape moving bout. It was described as a bright orange colour below, with more of a fire red in the middle and blending to bright yellow at the top. It was observed to be 6m off the ground and moving towards them. It passed in front of some fencing and a log heap only 200m away. Seemingly 30m long it then came even closer, and the witnesses started their car and left the scene. No traces were found the next day. The same object is believed to have been seen in the area over the next few nights. (TUFOIC.)
257 May or Jun 1974 Port Latta TAS CE2 0545hrs
A man doing a newspaper run at 95km/hr saw a very bright light coming from the south. It was travelling north at high speed. It went over his vehicle in ten seconds, being lost to view behind tall trees. After it passed by he realised his vehicle was slowing down, the engine had stalled. He had to stop and restart it. The headlights also went off for a few seconds. (TUFOIC.)
258 Winter 1974 The Gardens TAS CE2
Unusual "interference" type noise was heard on a car radio as a large, round, white object came up over hills and approached a car. It left over the sea. The sky was very clear and the object had emitted no noise. (TUFOIC.)
262 26 Jul 1974 Bridgewater TAS CE2 (1900-1945)hrs
Travelling by car towards Launceston, a woman and her daughter observed a light following their car. It seemed oval in shape with a red front top light and a larger bottom light. They stopped to have a look, then upon starting off again, felt it was pacing their vehicle. The object was noiseless and although they stopped two or three times they couldn't figure out what it was. While driving, the woman, "...felt as if I was in its power, as if it was definitely going to take over the control of the car, it was hard to steer." (TUFOIC.)
264 16 Sep 1974 St Helens TAS CE2 2115hrs Richards
This very unusual event occurred to Mrs Andrea Richards, housewife, thirty four, and her daughters Janine (eight) and Kathleen (five) when they were travelling home to The Marches near St Helens. Weatherwise it was a light drizzling rain, on a dark night. They were all very tired when suddenly static was heard on the radio. As soon as the static began the sky directly ahead became brightly lit up. The car lost power on a gentle incline, then stopped dead. The headlights, radio, heater, and dashboard lights all went out, and it was dark apart form the light in the sky.
Mrs Richards tried to start the car but after ten seconds a deafening, vibrating noise enveloped the car. This lasted about a minute. Almost simultaneously, quite painful, electric shocks began penetrating their bodies.
The car was then filled with an invisible chocking smell. Both Mrs Richards and Janine jumped out of the car taking Kathleen with them. They fled down the road leaving the car. The light in the sky was still visible. They went to a house. Upon returning to the car the car started alright. The next day it was checked at a garage but no faults were found. Mrs Richards suffered a numb right side to the face and a two cent sized red mark above her right eyebrow. The day after, her arms and fingers were badly swollen and she had difficulty walking. (TUFOIC.)
65 22 Sep2 1974 Tayene TAS CE2 1720hrs
Sitting in her car waiting for someone, a woman noticed the surrounding rain, mist and wind in the isolated spot she found herself in. She heard the radio announcer give the time then all of a sudden the surroundings were just lit up. The radio developed a high pitched whistling noise. An object approached from the top of a nearby hill. As it came towards her she started the car and backed up the road until the car stuck in mud.
The object meanwhile continued to approach and hovered for a short while before sweeping around the road junction and then back to the position it was first seen in. The speed up till then had been fairly slow, but when it swept around the hill a tubular shaped thing on the bottom of it opened into sections and the object speed upwards fairly rapidly.
The lady then left the car and ran to her house. Her husband and son returned to the car but could find nothing wrong. The next day a tow truck collected the vehicle. The front of it was exceptionally clean although the rest of the body was dirty. There had previously been cat's prints all over the bonnet but the bonnet was clean when the car was brought back. (TUFOIC)
267 Nov 1974 The Sideling TAS CE2 Ca. 2300hrs
On his way home to Scottsdale a man saw a soundless object about the size of an enormous building about half a kilometre away to his left, in the north. His car engine and radio cut out and the figures on his watch lit up really brightly. The object travelled along and was last seen going straight upwards. Duration three to four minutes. The watch broke down shortly after the event. The left hand mudguard of the car changed colour from red to orange and stayed that colour. (TUFOIC.)
268 4 Nov 1974 Scottsdale TAS CE2 2300hrs
The lights, radio and motor of a Colt car cut out, shortly after a witness sighted a huge flame coloured glow lighting up the nearby vegetation. He said the luminous dial on his watch became brighter. Following the sighting,, the car clock was found to be two minutes slow, the duration of the event. The mass of light rose into the sky and left. The man started the car and went home. (TUFOIC Annual Report 1985. p11.)
274 3 Jan 1975 Fingal TAS NL/FA (41:38, 147:58)
7 schoolboys saw 2 big lights come out of the sky and hover over a hillside. A humming noise could be heard and the lights kept flashing. Investigator T Dean found an area 7.6m by 4.5m of twisted and broken wattles. Trees were lying over and damaged about 1.2m above the ground. (TUFOIC.)
275 Feb 1975 Micka Creek TAS ? (?)
Shooters tell of a strip of gum trees as it an object had made a "landing run" some 45 to 90m long, through the bush. Trees were all knocked over in the same direction. (TUFOIC.)
277 26 Feb 1975 Lake Sorrell TAS CE2 2045hrs
Three objects were seen around a lake. One turned on an intense light directed downwards. The beam moved back and forth over the lake. A car radio in use at the time emitted a loud static noise when the object flew close to the camp. (TUFOIC. FSR 22/6/30. "Saturday Evening Mercury" Mar 29 1975.)
282 18 Apr 1975 Hayes TAS CE1 2045hrs
On his way to New Norfolk, a taxi driver spotted sparks in a paddock some 200m off the road. Stopping the taxi he saw a round object emitting blue sparks rise from the paddock and shot off to the north-east in a matter of seconds. (TUFOIC TA75021.)
284 Winter 1975 Poatina Highway TAS CE2 0320hrs
Fifty one year old K. Gottschalk had left work and was driving home when he experienced a strange sensation (a chilly feeling). Just then something happened to the steering of the car. It went sharply to the right hand side of the road, barely missing two poles. Whilst slowing down the car, and getting back to normal, he noticed a bright, orange light on his right hand side, following the car. Again he experienced trouble with the steering. The light then left him, and the vehicle returned to normal. (TUFOIC.)
285 12 May 1975 Howrah TAS Photo 1600hrs
A couple were watching a rainbow when they observed a peculiar object, grey brown in colour moving around close to the rainbow. Some 8mm movie film was taken. The film when magnified, indicates a vague something moving around. The film was of very poor quality, possibly because of an apparently faulty zoom mechanism. No real details can be gathered from the movie. (Investigation by TUFOIC and UFORNSW. See UFORNSW Newsletter no 46 p2.)
287 Jul 1975 Buckland TAS CE2 0645hrs
An object followed a car driven by a twenty year old man, at a steady 80km/hr. It was described as a round, brilliant glow, of orange and yellow colour, which lit up the surrounding countryside. His car radio appeared to go down in volume for a while. (TUFOIC.)
288 Jul 1975 Hobart TAS CE2 2130hrs Steinbauer
A car became hot, then stalled and rolled to a halt. In the middle of the road some 200-300m distance, a stationary, spherical shape was seen. It was a white/grey colour, some 5m diameter, of metallic iridescent appearance, and silent. The witnesses stared at the object as it took off very quickly, and spiralled out of view. The car was then able to be restarted and they went home. (TUFOIC TA77127. ACOSB. No 12. p11.)
293 5 Aug 1975 Levendale TAS CE2 0600hrs
Shortly after leaving for work, the lights of the car he was driving went dim, and the male driver decided to return home. On the way back he saw, at thirty to forty five degrees, a brilliant, white, round light coming down in slow motion. It was in view for ten seconds then disappeared behind hills. On reaching home he found the car's battery flat. Fifteen minutes later it was normal. (TUFOIC.)
295 Summer 1975 Lees Plains TAS ?
Bushwalkers reported finding perfectly burnt circle in buttongrass, with the ground all burnt, yet only 3.6m across. (TUFOIC.)
297 1975/76 Tunnel TAS ? (?)
A 6m dried circle is reported to have been found in the location of sighting of nocturnal lights. It was not reported until 1979. Analysis of the trace revealed nothing abnormal. (TUFOIC.)
299 1976 Bridgewater TAS CE3 (2200-2230)hrs
Just after going to bed a woman saw a figure in the house. She called out the name of her young son thinking it might be him but it wasn't. The figure transformed into an intense white light which streaked out through the window of their daughter's room. (TUFOIC TA84001.)
303 Feb 1976 Hobart TAS CE4
A man and his wife had gone to bed, and she fell asleep leaving him awake. Suddenly through the closed door came three figures. One figure tried to put a "bag" over the man's legs in an apparent abduction attempt. The man tried to awaken his wife, whereupon the figures departed through the window which seemed to burst open. (Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre.)
304 Feb 1976 Kettering TAS CE1 0100hrs
A man arose to attend a young child during the night and saw what he took to be an aircraft coming down in distress. He went to an adjacent oval where he located an object close to the ground. Through windows he saw "shapes" although they didn't move. There was an "electric motor" type noise like a humming. The object took off and was lost to view in the sky. (TUFOIC TA 77033. ACOSB. No 10. p25.)
305 1 Feb 1976 Highland Farm TAS Photo 0330hrs
Two exposures were taken of a light moving in an erratic way in the north-eastern sky. They were taken with an Ashai Pentax with a 135mm, lens and 400 ASA film. The exposures show only a light track, and the negatives were apparently lost, but two prints secured by TUFOIC. (TUFOIC.)
306 17 Feb 1976 Lyell Highway TAS CE2 0030hrs
Two truck drivers travelling in the same truck were paced for three hours by a sixteen metre yellow/white light in the shape of a dome. It kept an estimated 600m away, shifting position if the men stopped the truck. They tried to use the radio but got a lot of static. Finally the object climbed and disappeared. (TUFOIC.)
307 Late Feb 1976 Kettering TAS CE2/WV (42:50, 147:15)
A dome shaped object was seen near the ground, with an associated humming noise. The object rose and left into the sky. In the morning the witness found that the grass appeared to be scorched in a circle. The grass later died. Tests were undertaken of soil and mineral particles from the affected area. Results indicated no large amounts of associated ionising radiation, and that the soil had not been heated above 170 degrees centigrade. (TUFOIC. FSR 24(3).)
308 Mid Mar 1976 Tea Tree Road TAS CE2 (2200-2300)hrs
What they originally thought were aircraft lights, were observed by a man and his wife on their way home. The object appeared to pace their car on the left hand side, all the time. The lights were five in number and orange in colour. A car passed them going in the other direction, and the husband dipped the vehicle's headlights. Both headlights went off, although the parking lights remained on. They then drove along the road stopping for all oncoming traffic. The orange lights were visible all this time and seemed to stop when they stopped. Finally the lights veered to the north-east and were lost to view. Total duration was thirty minutes. (TUFOIC.)
315 29 Jul 1976 Bagdad TAS CE1 2130hrs Williams
Two rows of flashing lights were seen by a woman driving home. These rows were 15m in length, 4m off the ground, and some 140m away. They seemed stationary in a paddock then climbed away and were lost to sight into the sky. No traces were found. (TUFOIC TA76021.)
317 Aug 1976 Ten Mile Hill TAS CE3 Wood
A Mr Wood on returning from a party heard a sound like electronic music. A second later his field of vision was lit up and he saw a large figure in profile, as if on a movie screen. The figure was facing to the right and slowly turned towards Mr Wood. It appeared to be male, with fairly closely cropped hair. A tight fitting jacket and light coloured trousers were also visible. It seemed three metres tall and perhaps as wide as three people. Mr Wood braked the vehicle and seemed to go through the screen. (TUFOIC.)
319 15 Aug 1976 Boyer TAS CE2 0145hrs
Two people in a utility noted an approaching light which then drew back. "Something" shone a light in the vehicle's back window. It seemed 125m back and 250m up in the air, looking like a jelly bean with a dome on top. The vehicle's radio's volume faded and the inside of the ute lit up. The road swung under a cliff and the light wasn't seen again. (TUFOIC.)
321 8 Sep 1976 Elephant Pass TAS CE2 0300hrs
A tingling sensation accompanied an observation of a large house sized object, oval in shape near the ground in a roadside gully. The light, seen by a motorist, remained stationary. (TUFOIC.)
329 21 Jan 1977 Pipers River TAS CE2 2330hrs Damon
Farm dogs were disturbed by an elliptical red/silver object at ground level, in a ploughed paddock. An undulating humming noise was also heard. The witnesses went to approach the area after the object faded out. However, they fled the scene because the object re-appeared. No traces were found. (TUFOIC TA77006.)
331 3 Feb 1977 Seven Mile Beach TAS CE3 2130hrs
Some school aged children at a youth camp heard a noise and saw a spinning dome, with flashing lights, and windows. In the centre window a figure was seen. It was thin, had a large collar, an arm to the right and moved its head. The object then moved away. (1. TUFOIC TA77036. 2. ACOSB. No 11.)
341 2 Jul 1977 Sandfly TAS CE2 Ca. 2300hrs
An eighteen year old man and his sister were driving at 50km/hr when the man noticed a reflection in the middle of his outside rear vision mirror, of a very bright red light. It seemed near the ground 250m away. The light may have followed the car. Soon after the light was seen the car's engine seemed to loose power for fifteen to twenty seconds as if the ignition had been turned off. The driver let the clutch out, selected first gear and coasted down a slight decline and clutch started the engine. The light had by now gone. Later on going up an incline the same thing happened again. However, it did not quite stop and he used the ignition to restart it. (TUFOIC.)
343 Aug 1977 Sorell TAS FA (42:47, 147:34)
A depressed ring of grass appeared overnight on a sports oval. It was 4.2m in diameter and tests revealed no cause. (TUFOIC.)
345 Sep 1977 Grass Tree Hill TAS CE2 2000hrs
A motorist saw a bright light to the north-east. In seconds the light was above the car and lit up the whole area. It seemed to be a flat, rectangular shape, as big as a bus. The witness felt their face tingling, and heard static on the car radio. It then went dark. (TUFOIC TA85084.)
361 31 Jan 1978 Pawleena TAS CE1 0410hrs
A well defined object with two very bright white lights in the centre performed a circular movement over a paddock, only 1-2m above the ground, less than 200m away. It circled for three to four minutes then passed over trees and repeated its movements before departing at speed. (TUFOIC TA78007. ACOSB. No 13. p11.)
372 9 Nov 1978 Risdon Vale TAS CE2 0315hrs
A twenty four year old man was driving a taxi when he saw a luminous, light green "triangle" move out from scrub at the side of the road. The shape was 1.5m tall, appeared solid and was floating some point three metres off the ground. He braked the car violently, and heard a high pitched squeal and the "figure" vanished. The noise was so loud it made his ears ring. At the same time there came a considerable amount of static on his car radio. (TUFOIC.)
377 5 Feb 1979 Lawitta TAS CE2 2150hrs
While driving alone a man noted his car radio died. Pressing the station button had no effect and the radio remained dead. Seconds later an intense white light enveloped the car and he could not see beyond the bonnet. The car's lights and motor failed in the same instant. Beyond this events are vague and the next thing he knew he was being stopped by police for driving his car without lights.
He was taken to hospital and examined where he was found to be in a state of shock. His vehicle, a Ford Cortina 71TC, was inspected and found to have a flat battery and the oil level was low. The cut-off switch on the alternator needed replacing, as did wiring, especially the headlights. Radiator water was also low. The reporter did not want further investigations conducted. (TUFOIC.)
381 Apr 1979 Gormanston Saddle TAS CE2 0020hrs
A green light with a purple edge came straight at a taxi driven by a fifty one year old man, seemingly going straight over the vehicle, and lighting up the interior as if it was daytime. The taxi lost power and would not accelerate, the motor just shook. The driver tried to radio for help but it was dead. After the light passed everything returned to normal. (TUFOIC.)
383 20 Aug 1979 Hatfield TAS CE2 2128hrs
A thirty one year old ex-police woman was driving towards Devonport in a 1971 VW station wagon when a green light appeared behind the vehicle, lighting the interior and casting a green glow through the car. However, the surrounding countryside did not seem to be lit up. Although she pressed down on the accelerator the car did not respond by speeding up. It actually decreased speed to 48km/hr. She changed from fourth to third gear, then to second but to no avail. The light remained the same height and distance from the car, keeping up with the vehicle for some 8km. Without warning, the light switched off and the vehicle returned to normal. Later she found there had been an abnormally high usage of petrol for the trip. Other effects were a loss of fuel, apparent loss of brakes, loss of power and a clock stopped. (TUFOIC.)
385 29 Sep 1979 Low Head TAS NL 2200hrs
Flashing green and red lights were seen by the first mate of a ship, as part of an object which also shone a white light onto both ship and sea. The object also appeared on radar for fifteen to twenty minutes, travelling at an estimated speed of 250nm/hr. (TUFOIC TA79107.)
406 May 1982 Carlton TAS CE3 2100hrs
A misty egg shaped object was only 1m above the ground some 15m away from a man. Described as 2.5m tall by 1.5m wide the object revealed a figure inside it. The figure seemed 175cm tall, normally proportioned. The witness ran home. Looking backwards he saw the object had left. (TUFOIC TA84022.)
407 6 Jul 1982 Hampshire TAS CE2
Hovering over a nearby paddock, a dark helicopter shape with a blue outline, was observed by a passing motorist. The vehicle he was driving rolled to a halt after loosing power. The adjacent roadside fence seemed to be giving off an electrical charge. Seemingly only some 5m off the road, the object was only some 20-30m away from him. After a short period of time the object turned, showed an orange glow, then simply faded away. The man started his car and left the scene. (TUFOIC TA82034.)
412 9 Aug 1983 Jericho TAS NL 2045hrs
Travelling south, people in a car saw an object 3m off the ground and only some 10m away. They said it was a circle of bright silver with a blue area in the middle top of the light mass. There were triangular white lights also. The surrounding area was well illuminated. It was there for three to four minutes then left at speed. During the event they heard a sound like "rushing air". (TUFOIC Newsletter. Oct 1983.)
417 18 Nov 1985 Swansea TAS CE2 0330hrs
A log truck driver noted three white lights. Further on he saw a white, domed shaped object some 100m away, 30m up in the air. It appeared 18m long by 4m high. Over the next ten minutes it continued to be visible. During the event the vehicle's CB radio emitted loud static and electrical interference. (TUFOIC TA85076.)
419 1987 Tas/SA CE4
A number of paranormal and abduction-like events were reported by a twenty seven year old man, in 1990. These included a 1987 event in which he woke paralysed in bed. Something was being pushed into a vein in his arm. Upon awakening he found a hole in his arm from which blood was issuing. (UFORA90066. Keith Basterfield and Julia Elsbeth.)
422 16 Jun 1987 Lawrenny TAS CE2 2215hrs
An ambulance driver found that his vehicle's lights went out and the vehicle lost power while he was travelling alone. He stopped at his destination and checked but could find nothing wrong. On the return trip at the same place the same thing happened again. This time he saw a semi-circle shape, yellow in colour, with an adjacent glow, stationary on a nearby hillside. After a couple of seconds the motor picked up again and the lights came back on. (TUFOIC.)
424 14 Dec 1987 Launceston TAS CE2
A man noticed lights behind his car, then later they passed over his car and landed on the road ahead. His car lights and engine failed. He stopped some 15m from the object which he said looked like an egg, 5-6m wide and 2m high. He left the car and hid. The man said the car was then pulled some 10m down the road towards the object. Another vehicle came the other way and its lights failed although the engine kept running. The object then rose and left. (TUFOIC.)
431 23 Mar 1988 East Tamar Highway TAS CE2
Two people were travelling home when they saw a bright light ahead. The car lost power and the radio just went dead. The driver pressed the accelerator to the floor but the car would not go above 30km/hr. Four square yellow lights were visible with a beam of light shining down from just below them. They seemed 50m away and 30m up. These lights eventually went off, and the car returned to normal. (TUFOIC Newletter. No 55. Jun 1988.)
436 22 Mar 1989 Swanston TAS CE1 1945hrs
A dull orange light some 150m distance was seen by two shooters as it silently passed through the trees towards the south. Their dogs seemed uneasy. (TUFOIC TA89051.)
450 Mid Jun 1990 Sandfly TAS NL 2300hrs
A person driving home alone on a rural road noted a very bright white oval shape to the right of him. He stopped the car when level with the larger than Moon sized object. It appeared ninety metres off the road. less than 1200m up and was stationary. It then departed to the south-west at speed. (TUFOIC.)
451 26 Jun 1990 Apslawn TAS NL 2358hrs
Disturbed by barking dogs a man saw a saucer shaped object with a square top in the middle, near ground level, 200-300m away. It followed a fence line before the witness went inside. Watching from a window he saw the object pass out of sight behind a hill. (TUFOIC.)
454 19 Mar 1991 Lefroy TAS CE2 2200hrs
Two witnesses, travelling home and some 16km out of Lefroy, saw a bright, stationary light. This light was orange in colour and was seen at low elevation. It just "switched off." However, a little further on, the same or a similar light became visible. The car seemed to splutter at this point as the light moved away behind a hill. (TUFOIC. TA91009.)
457 25 Aug 1991 Waddamana TAS Photo 2100hrs
Several minutes of video footage was taken of a bright, white, round light seen to the east-north-east of two witnesses out camping. The light moved left and assumed a more elongated shape, then more one of points of light in an irregular pattern. The lights went out and the video camera failed. A radio on at the time also went fuzzy. It appears they may have seen the rising Moon through trees. (TUFOIC.)